Sunday, February 27, 2011

la vida de la biblioteca

olympic national park, Washington

In the hope college library trying to write this Spanish paper but all i can do is look at the NYtimes travel section and listen to this song on repeat.


but somebody just came up to me and gave me a krispy creme donut FOR FREE just because they felt like buying everybody in the library a donut.

and really nice.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

grand rapids top 7

This is winter break people. And while all my wonderful friends were busy traveling to busy places like Seattle, New York City, and Chicago I remained in the city of Grand Rapids. And ya know what? It rocked.

here's the reasons why:

1. Woke up this morning to fresh white daisies on my vanity (courtesy of the most wonderful man in the whole land, my dad)
2. Got to church in time to talk to a friend before it started and grab a cup of coffee.
3. "Country Roads" by John Denver on the radio.
4. Sparrow's Coffee and Tea shop had a new latte, the "dirty hairy." Earl Grey tea with soymilk.
5. My mother turned another year older today. We had meatloaf and donuts for dinner.
6. The new Anthro catalogue arrived to my house.
7. I am a real person now and have a resume.

here i am world.